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Meet illuciid, The Newest Artist With The Mau5trap Cosign

In the past week illuciid has: released his first EP, mau5trap reposted his song, and he started his second semester as a college freshman. Quite the whirlwind of a week for this young producer who has less than 5 tracks out and already has the mau5trap cosign. His track ‘Summit' is currently sitting at #2 on the mau5trap Zambah playlist and it has been steadily rising throughout the past week. Luckily EDM Sauce got the chance to sit down and talk to illuciid about this past week. You can read the interview below.


EDM Sauce: Hey! Thank you for taking the time to talk to us over at EDM Sauce! How are you doing today?

illuciid: I am doing good! I am a bit tired, I stayed up kinda late working on music. I work on music too much but sometimes there is never enough time to make music! I have to focus on school and music at the same time but usually, I end up making music.

EDM Sauce: This is the release of your first EP and you have already gotten a cosign by your favorite label, how does that feel?

illuciid: It feels fucking crazy! That is the best way I could describe it. mau5trap recognized my music. I am a huge fan of their brand and I think they are some of the most innovative minds in electronic music, it is such an honor being included on their first Zambah playlist. If you do not know what Zambah is, it is a new outlet for music discovery where labels/artists are tastemakers and they share music that they like with their fans. It is crazy that I got picked for the first playlist honestly!

EDM Sauce: How do you feel about the release of your EP? Was there any concept behind it or is it just a collection of tracks that you were proud to release?

illuciid: There really was not a main concept behind the release of this EP but just a collection of tracks I was proud of to release. Although mau5trap picked ‘Summit' to be on the playlist my personal favorite track is ‘Below Zero'. (Editors Note: Mine too, check it out!)

EDM Sauce: How long have you been making music? Why was this the first project you released?

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illuciid: I have been making music for 3 years now and this is the first thing that I have released because it is something I am really proud of. Making music is a learning process and I am always happy to learn something new. This EP is the culmination of three years of work and I am happy to have released it.

EDM Sauce: What is your workflow like?

illuciid: I am currently using Logic and Ableton, all of the ‘Fake Reality' EP was made in Logic. The time it takes to start and finish a track always varies. It could take a day, to a week, to a month, you never know. The track that Mau5trap selected, ‘Summit', I created in the middle of May of last year and I didn't even finish it until the end of August. At first, I didn't even have a name for it and it was a 128 BPM house music song but by the end of August I revisited the track, slowed it down to 104 BPM and finished it. It was a long journey but it always takes time to finish something you are proud of.

EDM Sauce: Any tips you want to give to any aspiring producers?

illuciid: It does not matter what fancy gear or plugins you buy, you can make professional sounding music with whatever you have at your disposal. Creating a track is all about the understanding, the execution, and using your music knowledge to make a track that you are proud of. A big part of producing music and giving it the impact that you want is all a matter of perception. Also always be unique when creating music, try not to aim to be like somebody else but to create the music that influences you in your own way.

EDM Sauce: Before Electronic Music did you have any musical background?

illuciid: Before I started creating electronic music 3 years ago I had no formal training whatsoever. I played the recorder if that counts! I view a musician as someone who can formulate the ideas behind the music, you don't always have to be the one playing the instrument but as long as you have the creativity behind it you are a musician.

EDM Sauce: What have you been listening to lately?

illuciid: A lot of ‘deadmau5‘ of course! Joel is a huge inspiration on my music. Also, ‘Boards of Canada‘ are just as important to me, I found them through ‘deadmau5' actually. There is no EDM drop or standard formula to their music, it is just purely as creative as it gets. They are true electronic music gods. I recommend anyone reading this to listen to them because they will definitely inspire you today.

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EDM Sauce: Before we wrap this up, any closing statements?

illuciid: I dedicate the ‘Fake Reality' EP to all of the incredible artists and musicians at Drexel University who all deserve to be heard.


Well that is all! Be sure to keep your eye out on the rising star that is ‘illuciid'!

Make sure you listen to the track below, follow the artist, and keep up to date with all of the hottest in dance music with us over at EDM Sauce!

illuciid: FacebookInstagramTwitterSoundcloud


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