After seeing Feed Me in Chicago back in spring, I looked forward to seeing him again with his full stage set up of the Teeth. When I found out that he'd be performing with Mord Fustang at the House of Blues, which was literally steps outside my apartment, I jumped at the chance to attend the show.
Right when I arrived at the House of Blues, Mord Fustang took the stage with his unique, genre-bending sounds of electro-house, glitch-hop and dubstep. He set the stage with his very first single “The Electric Dream.” His set consisted of popular tracks including “Champloo,” “Super Fever,” as well as his remix of Morgan Page's “In the Air.” He threaded in hints of other artists' tracks, embedding bits of Martin Solveig's “The Night Out” as he LED to “We Are Now Connected,” and weaving The White Stripes' “Seven Nation Army” into his hit track “Lick the Rainbow.” Mord ended his set with a video game-inspired dubstep track.
Once Mord left the stage, the crowd teemed with suspense for Feed Me's set with the Teeth. As we all waited for the curtain to open up for the Teeth, people started to chant “Feed Me! Feed Me!” in unison. Finally, the lights dimmed, the curtain revealed the Teeth, iPhone cameras went up in the air, and the crowd cheered for Feed Me's entrance.
Feed Me started his set with his collaboration with Crystal Castles, “Love Is All I Got.” His set then took us through his past albums Feed Me's Big Adventure, To the Stars and Feed Me's Escape from Electric Mountain. “Relocation,” “Blood Red” and “Strange Behavior” shook the Dance floor, and Feed Me mouthed along the lyrics during “One Click Headshot,” the first song that got me into Feed Me. The Teeth lit up in rhythm to all of the tracks, and I was mesmerized trying to figure out which sounds led to which visual effects on the Teeth. During “Thumbs Up,” Feed Me's collaboration with Kill the Noise, the Teeth displayed lyrics, and when Feed Me played “Death By Robot” off of his latest EP, an animated pink robot danced around on the Teeth. Feed Me kept his set interesting, varying the tempo between his tracks and changing up the chorus to one of my favorites, “Trapdoor.”
Once Feed Me's set came to a close, he walked off the Teeth to talk to the crowd. As everyone cheered him on for an encore, Feed Me said he'd play another song if someone could catch the glowstick which he proceeded to throw into the crowd. As people in the upper balcony of the venue caught it, Feed Me went back to the Teeth to play an encore of “Love Is All I Got” and “Grand Theft Ecstasy.”
Mord and Feed Me delivered, shredding the dance floor with tune after tune. They both kept the crowd energy high, and Feed Me's Teeth took the music to a whole new level with the visual-audio effects. If these two are playing in your city, be sure to go their show. They're definitely not to miss!