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Best Animated Album Covers & Spotify Canvas Maker Services
Best Animated Album Covers & Spotify Canvas Maker Services

EDM News

Best Animated Album Covers & Spotify Canvas Maker Services

Looking for a unique way to promote your latest album? Check out the best animated album covers and Spotify canvas maker services to take your music marketing to the next level! These platforms allow you to create beautiful, animated covers that will help you stand out from the competition and grab attention online.

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What Are Animated Album Covers?

Animated album covers are a great way to showcase your music and make it stand out from the competition. Instead of the typical static image, animated covers feature motion graphics and animation to bring your artwork to life. You can add special effects, such as transitions or looping sequences, that will help capture people’s attention online.

How Do I Get Spotify Canvas?

Spotify Canvas is an exclusive feature available to artists who are signed up for Spotify’s artist program. You can create a canvas that features your artwork as well as a looping video or animation. This will be displayed with each track when someone plays it on the platform, giving you an advantage over other musicians and helping you drive more streams.

Best Spotify Canvas Maker Services

If you’re looking for a great way to create your own canvas, there are several services that offer customizable animation templates and tools. Check out the below recommendations to find a canvas maker that will fit into your budget:

Wondershare Filmora

Wondershare Filmora is widely used by professionals and amateurs alike, due to its user-friendly editing interface and extensive library of templates. You can use the software to create high-quality animations for your album cover in just a few clicks.

⇒ View Wondershare ⇐


WeVideo is a cloud-based video editing platform that enables users to create stunning visuals with ease. With WeVideo, you can easily load your own images and videos, or choose from their library of stock media and animated templates.

⇒ View WeVideo ⇐

Adobe Spark

Adobe Spark is another popular choice with musicians looking to create stunning animated covers. The platform offers an easy-to-use drag-and-drop editor as well as a range of professional templates that you can customize with your own artwork.

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Canva is a great option for those who are just getting started with animation. The software features simple, intuitive tools and plenty of templates that you can adjust to suit your own needs. Plus, it’s free – so it’s perfect if you’re on a tight budget!

⇒ View Canva ⇐


Biteable is another great choice for creating animations. The platform offers plenty of templates and tools to help you create dynamic visuals that will engage your audience and drive more streams.


Animated album covers are an effective way to make your music stand out from the crowd. With the help of a Spotify canvas maker service like Wondershare Filmora, Adobe Spark or Canva, you can create beautiful, eye-catching animations to promote your latest release. So get creative and start bringing your artwork to life today!

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