Masked producers are becoming commonplace these days. First was Daft Punk, who recently announced their 2018 reunion at Lollapalooza. Then came deadmau5, “DJ” Bl3nd, and of course PopCoorn, who we really cannot decide if he was ever actually real.
Marshmello is now the most prominent masked producer, and he has just shocked the world with a reveal truly nobody saw coming. In a press conference, Marshmello took to a podium and announced using perfect English that it was time to reveal his true self to the world. A video of the entire event can be seen here.
Turns Out He Was Several Small Mammals
Marshmello then removed his helmet, to reveal not 4, nor 5 but SIX feral raccoons. The small mammals immediately scattered and went after the packed press conference. It was pure chaos after that. We were able to get one statement from one of the raccoons who was part of the Marshmello collaborative project, but it turns out he was really just focused on finding the closest garbage can.
The raccoons then exited the venue and sought shelter in a nearby tree as pictured above. This is a developing story, and we will report on it more as April 1st, better known as April FOOLS DAY continues.