Aftermovies are actually kind of a recent thing in the world of the music festivals. Obviously I mean that in a relative sense, but honestly a decade ago the art of the aftermovie was really not utilized. Though as social media, and video streaming sites became more popular every festival (and a large amount of events) has taken time to make a visual recap of exactly what the experience of attending entails.
ID&T gained an incredible following before expanding their company stateside with the use of incredible, sometimes other worldly aftermovies. Soon Ultra, EDC and various festivals all around the world started participating in the trend, and now aftermovies are common place and synonymous with large scale dance music festivals. We have compiled a couple aftermovies that we think are the absolute best and will leave you with paralyzing FOMO.
The Art of the Aftermovie
Tomorrowland, 2011
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This video is the one which gets cited the most when I talk about aftermovies with friends. The opening theme of Pryda vs. Empire of the Sun will put you in a deep and powerful trance. Yes – it does feature levels but come on people…remember that 6 years ago, that song was the business.
Mysteryland, 2013
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Mysteryland now has festivals all over the world but when their 2013 aftermovie arrived it was still just one festival in it's home country of The Netherlands. The movie gained an incredible amount of traction as it was released almost concurrently with the announcement of the first Mysteryland USA. Fans in America were left scrambling to learn anything about the festival that they could, and this aftermovie taught them that Mysteryland is a force to be reckoned with.
Ultra Europe, 2015
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Ultra is the most established dance music festival brand in the world. It has a stunning amount of festivals in a dozen or so countries. That being said Ultra Europe is one that always has a uniquely magical vibe about it. Taking place over the course of a week on the Mediterranean coast of Croatia Ultra Europe is renowned for its beautiful locations. This aftermovie is fun the sun mixed with some of the best cinematography we have seen.
SnowGlobe, 2014
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SnowGlobe is a festival that takes place over NYE in beautiful South Lake Tahoe, CA. Lake Tahoe is a frozen tundra in the winter months which makes SnowGlobe a unique festival in the fact that you need to be bundled up beyond belief. The aftermovie points out the uncanny magic of the scenery and how it blends with a perfectly curated line up to make everyone watching immediately start to plan for this NYE.
Electric Forest, 2014
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Electric Forest never truly releases an official aftermovie. That being said the festival always puts out a recap of sorts that highlights the beauty of both its attendees inner light, and the magnificent forest which it takes place in. Electric Forest is a festival that is unique in the fact that it promotes a sense of community that is found to be lacking by most major US events.
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Buckle Up. TRANSMISSION Prague is known for two things – lasers and more lasers. This video perfectly characterizes the festival in both production and music. The trance festival will leave you absolutely breathless time and time again whether you love the artists playing or lights flashing all around you.
HARD Day of the Dead, 2013
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HARD has run into it's fair share of issues the best few years with ever stricter city ordinances twisting the brand's arm in many ways. So that makes looking back at 2013 all that more special. The event was stacked with a rare live performance from the Bloody Beetroots and the legendary Giorgio Moroder.
VELD Music Festival, 2013
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VELD Music Festival is one of the most famous and renowned events in our neighbor to the north. Attracting tens of thousands of guests every year VELD curates a line up that will make any music lover incredibly jealous. The video opens up with ‘Matter' by the constantly underrated OVERWERK and only escalates in excitement from there.
Shambhala, 2016
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Shambhala is notorious for being one of the most sought out bass festivals in the world. It takes place annually in an isolated part of the Canadian wilderness and consistently brings the largest and most forward thinking names in bass music. Just try not to look into the festival more after watching this one.
Defqon.1, 2015
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Yes, even the hard dance genres need some loving too…and rightfully so as this aftermovie is buck wild. Q-Dance's signature event is known for its mind bending stage design and face melting end show. Lucky for you they have compile a condensed version of all of the madness.