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Pandora Advertising and Vehicle Drivers Collide

So it is pretty easy to say that almost all of us music goers enjoy Pandora, it keeps our old tracks an artists that we love readily available and introduces new music and genres we never could have imagined or even would have considered for that matter. An now a handful of cars, actually nine out of the ten top selling passenger vehicles provide the option to have Pandora in your car. Sounds great, right? But the perk of a no commercial radio station is coming to an end. Pandora has announced that they will now allow advertising in all these Pandora vehicles, directly targeting drivers with the key idea that most radio listening does take part while traveling in a car. On the upside the radio advertisements are said to only last approximately 15-30 seconds coming from larger corporations such as Taco Bell, BP, State Farm etc.. Which will save our ears from the dreadful two-minute commercials about some local business you have never even heard of! So when it comes to the new and improved Pandora keep on keeping on as good ol’ Joe Dirt would say and enjoy the great service they provide. But prepare yourselves for non-stop commercials trying to get you to stop at that next Taco Bell for one of their newest attempt of a Mexican creation.

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