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EDM News

EDM Sauce Welcomes Our New Managing Editors

EDM Sauce has grown from a blog that I started last April, to what now has over 45 writers in 6 countries. We currently have writers in most regions of the United States and also have videographers and photographers. As we have grown as a blog, so has Electronic Dance Music and we're just glad to be a part of it. I wanted to take the time to introduce our Managing Editors for EDM Sauce.

First off we have Courtney aka Orrski who is born and raised in Ohio. Courtney is an amateur photographer who loves “capturing the essence of a moment on ‘film.'” Courtney was first introduced into the world of EDM back in 2005 and the more she surrounds herself in music, the more she loves it.

Second we have Jocelyn who is based out in San Francisco, California. Ever since graduating college, Jocelyn has been interested in the world of Electronic Music. Jocelyn currently writes direct email campaigns for sales events and field marketers.

Third we have Kristina who is based out in Pennsylvania. Kristina is currently attending college for the Music Industry. She has a passion for event photography and “capturing it in the moment.”

Fourth we have Jarret who is based out in New York City, New York. Jarret has always had a passion for music and a passion for writing. Jarret enjoys all types of EDM, though his favorite genre typically is dubstep.

Finally we have Brian who is “an obsessive and neurotic musical hobbyist who graduated in genetics.” Brian grew up in the Detroit music scene, but now lives in the serene solitude of Utah.

[PS Photo Pictured Is EDM Sauce's Old Logo]

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