Today in wholesome content we have a fun little coincidence. Of course it involves Skrillex being in a surprising place, but honestly we are kind of happy it isn't in a studio with another artist. Those weekly articles started to get a little tiring to write.
Jordan Peele posted a photo to social media with his best friend Keegan-Michael Key after winning the Oscar for Best Screenplay last night for his historic film, ‘Get Out'. In the background though fans have quickly caught a lurking Skrillex. You never know where you may spot Skrillex so it is best to always keep an eye open. Congratulations to Jordan Peele for a landmark Oscar win last night – if you haven't seen Get Out yet then you need to drop what you are doing and check it out ASAP.
Pic of the day
— Matthew T'Cherry (@MatthewACherry) March 5, 2018