Ahhh Fall, the autumnal season evokes so many different images and sensory experiences. Pumpkin flavored everything, Halloween, gorgeous colors as leaves change colors. Oh yeah – and if you go to college – good old Greek life recruitment. We started to notice a trend though with these over the top recruitment videos over the last few years. Budgets are bigger, scenes more extravagant and oddly enough, an always EDM inspired soundtrack.
A Surprising Set Of Similarities
These videos have been centered in a lot of controversy. Most notably the fact that many of these over the top sororities rarely feature anyone who is not white in their recruitment videos, but also for championing ‘group think'; the scientific term for cult like behavior. That being said we are not here to discus any of that. We wanna talk about how all these videos – no matter where the school is located use dance music. Even deep south or Texas based schools where country seems like the obvious choice. For example, check out this 2017 University of Idaho recruit video featuring Galantis‘ new music.
Bid day with Kappa Kappa Gamma @ University of Idaho 🙃
🔊: @wearegalantis – True Feeling pic.twitter.com/sYa3LE7YqB
— Luke Barrett (@_lukebarrett) September 23, 2017
The funny thing here is that many of these videos not only feature an entire dance music themed soundtrack, but that these videos honestly take the exact same aesthetic as festival after movies. This is because more times than not EDM concert/festival photographers are actually contracted to put these crazy videos together. The use of sweeping drone shots, slow motion dancing and even constant warm embraces are all motifs of both recruitment videos and after movies. We can't blame them for using the same imagery because well…it works. After movies are created with one thing in mind – make people who didn't attend feel scared about being left out from the next iteration of the festival. Recruitment videos focus on the exact same thing. Kind of dark in a way, but just so effective. Check out a few more of the most extra recruitment videos we've found produced by members of the dance music community.