From the deep depths from a studio comes a tune no one has prepared for. A masterpiece that has been graced upon us that has the feel of Metal but the power of Dubstep. Scrolling through Soundcloud, we encountered a wondrous artist named Mastadon who released his brand new Malignant EP on Never Say Die Black Label. He is a well known artist to Never Say Die Black Label, as it isn't his first release by them and Mastadon has absolutely blown our minds taking his music to another level. Listening to all of the four songs, one had taken our ears as prisoners as the song Casket cannot be unlistened to and will leave you with a permanent bass face even after the song ends.
The song starts off with a heavy guitar similar to what you would hear if you listen to Metal/Rock, and this blaring sound and killer bass of a drop will leave you in pieces. Blowing up dynamite is nearly the equivalent when playing this gnarly track. Be careful when and where you set this off, this song is so heavy it will surely put you in a casket.